Exhausted Moms Energy Fix

Wake up refreshed. Turn exhaustion into energy for your busy life.  


Discover the 12 -week coaching program designed for busy moms who want to ditch fatigue and become unstoppable.

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Hey there, Exhausted Busy Mama!

Feeling overwhelmed like you're dropping balls left and right? You're a devoted mom wearing many hats; chef, chauffeur, teacher, cheerleader, working professional and so much more. 

You have big goals, both in your career and at home, striving to be fully present and successful in all areas of your life! Yet amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities, you find yourself constantly battling exhaustion, struggling to keep your energy up to meet the demands of your busy life. 

But lately (or maybe for a while now...)

  • You feel drained all the time. You try really hard to balance work, kids, and even a little "me" time," but you end up feeling like you're failing at everything. 
  • Taking care of yourself feel like just another chore on your super long to-do list. It makes you more tired instead of feeling better.  
  • You grab another coffee for a boost, but it is temporary and it leaves you feeling worse. 
  • Working out or cooking healthy meals feels impossible to squeeze into your already packed schedule, adding to your guilt. 
  • You like in bed at night, your mind racing with everything you need to do tomorrow. But when you wake up, you're just as tired as before.

If you're being honest with yourself...

...your tired of feeling tired all the time and frustrated that no matter what you try, nothing seems to stick or make a real difference. 


Don't give up, Mama! You CAN get your energy back!

You might worry that you'll be stuck feeling tired all the time, missing out on the fun parts of life and special moments with your family.  

But what if I told you there's a way out of this relentless exhaustion? A way to get your energy and live the life you've been dreaming of? 



✔️ You could wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready for the day, every day...

✔️ You had the energy to keep up with your kids and meet your work deadlines, but also make time for yourself without feeling guilty...

✔️ You could say goodbye to constant exhaustion and finally feel like you're thriving, not just surviving...

✔️ You could fill your days with laughter, productivity, and moments of joy without feeling drained by the evening...

✔️ You could find the balance in your life, feeling empowered to manage your health, career, and family life with ease and feel good about it.... 

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

...without having to sacrifice your precious time, rely on endless cups of coffee, or feel guilty for putting your well-being first.

I know it might seem too good to be true, but I am here to show you how it can be your reality!

Book a Call Now!

Here's the problem!

It's not your fault that you're feeling constantly drained and exhausted. The truth is: 

  • There's so much health advice out there, but it doesn't always work for busy moms like you. It's hard to find something that fits your crazy schedule. 
  • You're already doing so much - work, kids, everything at home. Adding another complex routine just feels impossible, right? 
  • Life these days is so demanding, with endless to-do lists and pressure everywhere. No wonder you're tired! 
  • Most programs forget how important it is to deal with stress and how you think about things. Those are key to having energy and feeling good all the time.  

Many moms reach a point where they feel like they've tried everything and start to accept that they're just meant to be tired all the time. 

It's understandable! When you've put in so much effort and still can't find a solution, it's tempting to throw in the towel. 

But remember, you don't have to accept constant exhaustion as your normal. There's hope! 

I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be like this!

There is another way!


I'm ready to fix my energy!

I'm Nikki Cheak


I've been right where you are now - working, taking care of my family, and never having a minute to myself. All while being totally exhausted. I tried every quick fix out there, from trendy diets to the latest supplements, but nothing worked. I was stuck in a cycle of fatigue, almost giving up and accepting that this was how I would feel as a busy mom. 

But then came my 'aha' moment. The answer wasn't some magic pill or a one-size-fits-all plan. It was about finding small changes that fit into my busy mom life.  This breakthrough sparked a journey of making small, sustainable changes, that collectively revitalized my energy levels.  

My journey to feeling great, keeping up with my kids, and making the most of every moment turned into my passion. Now, as a certified health and wellness coach, I help busy moms just like you get their energy back. That's what the "Exhausted Moms Energy Fix" program is all about. It's your guide to go from exhaustion to saying "I've got this!" Imagine having your days filled with joy and energy, no matter how crazy your schedule is. 

If you're ready to break free from exhaustion and feel great again, I'm here to show you the way, step-by-step.   

"Nikki's poignant questions helped me select specific goals, set time commitments for each, and more importantly, consider factors concerning my own personal well-being first in order to help those I love each day."

- Kristine H.

Exhausted Moms Energy Fix

The 12-week coaching program designed for busy moms who want to ditch fatigue and become unstoppable.

I'm ready to have energy again!

Why is 'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix' Different

Most programs offer the same old advice to every mom, but I know that doesn't cut it for your busy life. They might suggest quick-fixes like chugging more coffee or popping random supplements, but those only lead to short-lived energy boost followed by an even bigger crash. 

That's where 'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix' stands out. I dive deep into the real reasons behind your constant tiredness. Instead of temporary fixes, I've developed the Mom's Energy Transformation Framework, a unique plan tailored specifically for busy moms like you. 

This comprehensive plan covers everything from identifying your energy-boosting foods to mastering quality sleep, managing stress without getting overwhelmed, and integrating exercise into your life in a way that fits your schedule - not the other way around. 

This program is more than just a quick pick-me-up. It's about creating lasting changes that empower you to feel amazing everyday. With 'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix,' you'll break free from the endless cycle of fatigue and embrace a life filled with energy, joy, and balance. It time for you to say "I've got this!"

Why I'm Different

  • Real Experience, Real Results: I've been through the energy-draining challenges of being a mom and having a career myself. My approach is all about real-life solutions that work!
  • Certified Guidance Designed for You: As a certified health and wellness coach, I specialize in strategies that fit perfectly into your busy life. I make reclaiming your energy doable for every mom!
  • Passionately Committed to Your Energy Fix: Your transformation is my mission. I'm here to help you every step of the way, from feeling exhausted to full of energy, with a personal commitment to your success. 
  • Straightforward and Doable: No overwhelming regimen here. I provide clear, straightforward steps that fit into your life, making it easier for you to transition from tired to full of life and make the most of everyday. 


What's Included in 'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix'? 

When you enroll in Exhausted Moms Energy Fix, you'll embark on a transformative journey through the Mom's Energy Transformation Framework. This framework is designed to address the unique challenges you face as a busy mom, providing practical and effective strategies to reclaim your energy. Here's what you'll explore: 

Energize Your Life

This module sets the foundation to reignite your energy. You'll create a personal wellness vision, set achievable goals, and cultivate a positive mindset. Get ready to transform your days from exhausting to energized!

Smart Nutrition 

Discover simple nutrition strategies to keep you energized all day. Learn about meal planning, mood-boosting foods, and how sugar plays a part in your energy. Say goodbye to confusing diet trends, and hello to feeling energized and focused. 

Active Living

Struggling to find time for exercise? This module shows you how to integrate movement into your busy life for a natural energy boost. Discover quick, effective exercises that fit into your schedule and leave you feeling energized all day!

Restorative Sleep

Waking up tired? Dive into the secrets of restorative sleep. Learn how to create a soothing bedtime routine, optimize your sleep environment, and manage stress for a night of deep, energizing sleep

Mindful Strategies

This module teaches you techniques to reduce stress and enhance well-being. Build resilience, manage overstimulation, and prioritize self-care to navigate life's pressures with calm and energy. 

Sustaining Energy for Life

Ready to make reclaim your energy for good? This module focuses on maintaining your energy gains and setting new goals. Learn how to integrate wellness into your daily routine and adapt your approach as life evolves, ensuring you continue to make the most of everyday. 

I'm ready to fix my energy!

How 'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix' Works: 

Exhausted Moms Energy Fix kicks off on April 25th and runs for 13 weeks, with a one-week break during Memorial Day week, wrapping up on July 18th. This structured timeline ensures that you and your fellow moms can progress together, providing mutual support and accountability every step of the way. 

Mark your calendars, because the deadline to enroll is April 18th - don't miss your chance to be part of this transformative journey!


Support and Accountability:

Your Path to Unstoppable Energy

  • Lifetime Access to Mom's Energy Transformation Framework: You have lifetime access to Mom's Energy Transformation Framework, so that if you are ever stuck, you can go back and review the strategies that will continue to provide you energy for years to come. 
  • Weekly Group Calls (12-weeks): Every week, connect with your group of fellow moms that's more than just a check-in. It's a moment to dive deep into your journey, celebrate your progress, and tackle any challenges head-on. These calls are your weekly does of education, coaching, and support designed to make a real difference in your life. 
  • Unlimited Email Support (12-weeks): Got a question or need a hand between our calls? I'm all ears! Drop me an e-mail anytime from Monday - Thursday and I will get back to you within one business day. Whether it's a quick question or you need some support, you'll never have to feel like you're going it alone. 
  • Exclusive Access to a Facebook Support Group (12-weeks): Immerse yourself in a community of supportive moms in our Private Facebook Group. Share your journey, celebrate your wins, and find motivation and understanding from moms who get it! 
  • Accountability Inside the FB group (12-weeks): Stay on track with structured accountability in our Facebook group. Set your intentions on Monday, check-in midweek, and celebrate your accomplishments on Friday, all with the support of a community that's rooting for you!
I'm Ready! Book a Call Now!

This Program is for you if...

  • You are a mom in her 30s-50s and you're longing to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day, every day!
  • You're a busy mom who wants to ditch the afternoon slumps and unlock a surge of sustained energy, so you can play with your kids and finish your work without relying on endless cups of coffee. 
  • You're a woman who is serious about making a change and finally feeling better. You want more energy, improved well-being, and make the most of everyday. 
  • You're a mom that needs a practical plan that fits into your chaotic life. You want simple, actionable steps that help you feel more awake and alive, without adding to your overwhelm, and allow you to manage your family's needs without sacrificing your own well-being.

Ready to ditch the "I'm too tired!" excuses? Fantastic! But this program isn't for everyone. Here's who might not find the perfect fit

  •  Individuals looking for quick-fix solutions. This program is about making sustainable changes, not temporary solutions.
  • Those expecting prescription medication or medical interventions. While I guide you to reclaiming your energy, I am not a medical doctor. Our focus is on natural strategies.  
  • Women who are not in the phase of motherhood. This program is tailored to moms who resonate with the unique challenges of balancing work, family, and self-care.  
  • Anyone not ready to engage actively in the process of change. Success in this program requires participating in coaching sessions, completing action steps, and embracing a community-oriented approach. 
  • People unwilling to take a close look at their daily habits. From what you eat to how you handle stress, lasting change comes from examining and adjusting your routines. 

Ready to ditch "I'm too tired!" and say "I've got this!"

Exhausted Moms Energy Fix is exactly where you need to start!


Let's break down what you get when you join

'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix': 

  • Access to Exhausted Moms Energy Fix & Moms Energy Transformation Framework (Lifetime access)
  • Exclusive Facebook Community (12-week access)
  • Weekly Accountability & Unlimited Email Support (12-weeks)
  • Weekly Coaching Calls (12-weeks)

Are you ready to ditch the constant exhaustion and start experiencing renewed energy and the ability to tackle everything on your to-do list with Mom's Energy Transformation Framework? 

Let's ditch the fatigue once and for all and do this together right now!

The founding member pricing goes away on April 18th. Book your call before then to get 60% off the regular enrollment price. Once the founding member spots are full, the price will be gone for good. 

Trust me, it will never be this low again.

Book my call now!

Have questions?  I've got answers.

Have questions about how the program works, time commitments, expectations? See below. If you have other questions that are not addressed below, feel free to reach out to me at anytime. 

I Can't Wait to See You Inside

'Exhausted Moms Energy Fix'

I'm ready to have more energy!