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5 Common Myths About Mom Fatigue Debunked

health & wellness Apr 08, 2024

As moms, we've all been there: that bone-deep fatigue that feels like you're running on fumes. It's like your energy tank is perpetually on "E," and no matter how many coffee breaks you take, you can't seem to fill it up. But here's the secret: there are some common myths out there that might be keeping your tank on empty without you even realizing it. Let's debunk these myths and explore ways to refuel properly.

Myth 1: "It's Just a Phase"

This is like saying your car's empty gas tank is just a phase. Sure, motherhood has its more tiring seasons, but if you're constantly running on low, it's time to take a closer look. Don't wait for this "phase" to pass; take action now.

  • Quick Tip: Keep a fatigue diary for a week. Note your energy levels at different times of the day. You might discover patterns that help you pinpoint when and why you're feeling drained. Is it before you eat (maybe you waited too long?) After you eat (maybe you are eating something too heavy?) Do you toss and turn (maybe you need to wind down earlier?)

Myth 2: "More Coffee is the Solution"

Relying solely on coffee for energy is like using a quick-fix tire inflator for a flat tire. It'll get you moving momentarily, but it's not a sustainable solution. Too much caffeine can lead to crashes and disrupt your sleep cycle.

  • Quick Tip: Swap one of your daily coffees for a more hydrating alternative like herbal tea or water with lemon. Staying hydrated can help maintain your energy levels more consistently. Keep a water bottle with you all day, it will remind you to hydrate throughout the day. If you are like me, challenge yourself - but I promise when you are more hydrated, you will have more energy.

Myth 3: "There's No Time for Self-Care"

Thinking there's no time for self-care is like saying there's no time for regular car maintenance. Neglect it, and you'll end up broken down on the side of the road. Self-care is crucial for keeping your engine running smoothly.

  • Quick Tip: Start small. Dedicate just 5 minutes a day to a self-care activity you enjoy. It could be a quick walk, some deep breathing exercises, or even just sitting quietly with a cup of tea. 

Myth 4: "Exercise Will Only Make Me More Tired"

Avoiding exercise because you think it'll tire you out is like avoiding driving your car to keep the gas tank full. It might sound logical, but in reality, regular exercise can actually boost your energy levels and improve your overall endurance.

  • Quick Tip: Begin with 10 minutes of gentle exercise each day. Stretching, yoga, or a brief walk are great ways to get moving without feeling overwhelmed.

Myth 5: "I Should Be Able to Do It All On My Own"

Believing you should handle everything solo is like thinking you should be able to fix a flat tire, replace the engine, and repaint the car all by yourself. It's okay to ask for help. In fact, it's necessary.

  • Quick Tip: Identify one task each week that you can delegate or ask for help with. It could be something simple like having your partner handle bedtime duties or asking a friend to pick up groceries.

Just like a car, your body needs regular maintenance, the right fuel, and the occasional tune-up to keep running smoothly. By debunking these common myths about mom fatigue, you can start to refill your energy tank and get back on the road to feeling your best.

Remember, it's not about quick fixes; it's about sustainable changes that keep your engine purring. However, it's important to listen to your body's individual needs. What works for one mom might not work for another. So, shift gears, explore different strategies, and steer towards a more energized, fulfilled life!

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